Jack Evans Developer Apps

You Got No Fans 1
You have got too many fans. Run away fromthemas long as you can.You get two jumps every time you hit a brick. You can hitthebottom of a brick and have another two jumps. Use this toglidealong the bottom of a brick.Don't let your attractive lady fan catch up with you. Hittingthefront of a brick will slow you down and let her catch up withyou.You are constantly travelling at the same speed as the ladyfan.Both your speeds are constantly increasing the entiregame.Stay away from the stick fans at the bottom.
Stump The Trump 4
Stop Trump from getting to theWhiteHouse.Simple, but hard.... Extremely hard.
Turtle Madness Game 6
Hold your finger down on the screen andshootclownfish at the turtles to save them from the crabs.